Poultry Powders

Panchajanya Enterprises
Panchajanya Enterprises

Broad Spectrum Mycotoxin Inhibitor

Panchajanya Enterprises


  • Management of Toxins with broad spectrum actions and hence it is mycotoxin inhibitor. (Inhibits majorly Aflatoxin, Trichothecenes, Ocharatoxin, Fumonisins Zearalenone etc

  • Prevents mold growth in feed acts as antifungal

  • Selective absorption of toxins without absorbing the key vitamins and minerals

Key Benefits

  • Improved immunity in birds
  • Better FCR
  • Increased egg production and productivity
  • Healthy Birds
Panchajanya Enterprises

Vitamin E powder fortified with Selenium and Biotin

Panchajanya Enterprises


  • Prevents conditions like muscular dystrophy and stress
  • Faster recovery from diseases
  • Overcomes weakness and sudden death syndrome and ascites
  • Prevents wing rot.
  • Optimises fertility & hatchability in breeders and layers.
  • As a routine nutrition therapy for better production.
  • Boosts immune response instantly by activating cell mediated immunity
  • Longer Shelf life
  • Improves carbohydrate and lipid metabolism
  • Enhances growth rate and improves skin conditions
Panchajanya Enterprises

Heat Stress Formula for Feedmix

Panchajanya Enterprises


  • To Maintain Electrolyte balance in birds
  • Controls mortality due to heat stress
  • Overcomes stress due to vaccination,
    deworming, debeaking
  • Brings down stress due to weather changes, change of feed and transportation
  • Improves production
  • Provides balanced nutrition and electrolytes to aquaculture species
  • Improves growth rate and FCR
  • Enhances survival of species in the pond and optimizes health of plankton blooms
Panchajanya Enterprises

Vitamins and Amino Acids Booster Tonic for Poultry

Panchajanya Enterprises


  • Effective supplementation of all Vitamins and Amino acids in Poultry.

  • Balances the critical nutrients during stress, transportation and antibiotic treatment.

  • It will help to build immunity, maintain growth and production.

  • High absorption rate and hence faster action.

Panchajanya Enterprises

Poultry Feed Additive for Fly Control

Panchajanya Enterprises


  • Sharp reduction and control to fly problems
  • Wet litter problem control
  • Healthier and cleaner eggs
  • Better environment in Poultry farm
Panchajanya Enterprises

Vitamin C supplement for heat stress and balanced growth in Poultry and Aquaculture


  • Controls different types of stress conditions.
  • Ensures better body weight.
  • Enhances immune response against viral, bacterial and parasitic infections.
  • Improves egg shell strength and bone health.
  • Improves fertility and reproduction.
  • Improves disease resistance, rapid growth, survival rate and molting.
  • Improves hormone production, mineral absorption and metabolism.
  • Plays important role in shell developmen and protein metabolism.
  • Proper detoxifier.
Panchajanya Enterprises

Vitamin C supplement for heat stress and balanced growth in Poultry and Aquaculture



  • Exhibits broad spectrum activity against primary and secondary bacterial respiratory infections like Mycoplasmosis, CRD.
  • In treatment of primary and secondary gastrointestinal infections.
  • Growth promotion with improved performance
  • Improves feed efficiency and productivity.
  • Improves egg production in layer birds


Vitamin C supplement for heat stress and balanced growth in Poultry and Aquaculture

Panchajanya Enterprises



  • Improves and optimizes phosphorous digestibility in the gut and hence reduces the intake of inorganic phosphorous.
  • Counter act the negative effect of the antinutrient Phytase.
  • Higher palatabiltiy in feed formulation and hence minimises the feed costs.
  • Maximizes performance of feed
Panchajanya Enterprises

Toxin Binder


  • Management of Toxins with broad spectrum actions and hence it is mycotoxin inhibitor. Inhibits majorly Aflatoxin, Trichothecenes, ocharatoxin, Fumonisins Zearalenone etc

  • Prevents mold growth in feed acts as antifungal

  • Selective absorption of toxins without absorbing the key Vitamins and Minerals

Key Benefits

  • Improved immunity in birds 
  • Better FCR
  • Increased egg production and productivity
  • Healthy Birds
Panchajanya Enterprises


  • Supports Feed Conversion Ratio
  • Reduces pathogen load especially E coli and Salmonella
  • Improve appetite, maintain gut pH & digestion
  • Promotes optimum nutrient utilization
  • Treat water from microbes
  • Encourages absorption of minerals and weight gain
  • Improves the immune system of the bird
  • Enhances production & performance
Panchajanya Enterprises

Growth Promoter

Panchajanya Enterprises


  • Essential antibiotic growth promoter for treating infections and Salmonellosis
  • Reduces pathogen load especially E coli and Salmonella
  • For prevention of diseases, better weight gain and Feed conversion
  • Helps to prevent and overcome enteritis and loose droppings
  • It minimizes the bacterial load in the gut
  • Non toxic in nature and promotes healthy growth and development
  • Improves egg production and reduces chick mortality
Panchajanya Enterprises

Growth Promoter


  • Exhibits broad spectrum activity against CRD and other secondary respiratory infections caused due to E.coli, Pasteurella, Haemophilus
  • Cost effective AGP with sensitivity against Mycoplasma
  • Improves and maintains egg production, FCR and hachability
  • Develops immunity against CRD infections
  • Resistance development to Timulin is low

Oxine Copper & Buffered Organic Acids Base


  • By virtue of having MOS, it helps in pathogen shedding through Competitive Exclusion

  • Potentiates immune response of the bird

  • Protects liver from the assault of mycotoxins

Panchajanya Enterprises

Antibiotic Growth Promoter


  • Prevents infections and for treatment caused by Tylosine sensitive organisms.
  • For treatment of synovitis in chicks.
  • Improves ideal body weight in Chicks/Growers
  • Improves productivity in layers, fertility and hatchability in breeders.
  • Better growth and performance of birds.
  • Compatible with other commonly used feed supplement.
Panchajanya Enterprises

Complete Feed Supplement Premix for Layers

Panchajanya Enterprises


Liver stimulants with Energy Boosters
& Toxin Prevention Agents